Private Healing Sessions with a Shaman from Sweden
March 3 by appointment only Investment – 30 min. – $150 / 60 min. – $275;
Bart’s personal history is one of extraordinary personal circumstances that led him to become a healer and teacher. He is now an internationally renowned Shamanic Healer, with 44 years in Martial Arts and 30 years in the Healing Arts, Bart holds the titles, Master Practitioner/Instructor of The Yuen Method (since 1996), Medicine man ordained by the Shipibo tribe in Peru, Grand Master of Tai Chi, QiGong, and is certified in Thai Shiatsu, Hansa Shiatsu, Massage, Reiki, Abayanga Massage and Neuro Muscular Movement. He combines and blends these technologies fulfilling a wide range of client issues. Bart has assisted well over 35,000 people in clearing chronic and debilitating conditions. He is a coach and a consultant and helps his clients recognize their own unshakeable knowing and ability to live with confidence. His work has supported many to design and grow new, free fullfilling lives, businesses and meaningful relationships. His mastery is in simplicity combined with timing, intuitive guidances and the ability to give clear feedback. He works all over the work including Europe, Scandinavia, South America, China, the Middle East and the United States. He currently lives in Sweden where he is raising 3 children. He is also available for private sessions both in person and via skype. For more info go to
Or call us at 404-915-9260 for more details and registration.

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