My earliest memory of yoga is practicing alongside my mother as a toddler. Yoga has always been in my world but my own practice only began when I started university at age 18. Since then, yoga has followed me through my studies, building my career, getting married, moving around the world and becoming a mother. It has been an on and off journey, but I have always found yoga welcoming me with open arms when I returned to my practice. For me, yoga, and more recently Ayurveda too, has been a balancing factor in my life. When my work got too cerebral and academic, yoga reminded me to return to my body. When my mothering drew me too much out of myself, yoga reminded me to return. At some point in my youth I considered becoming a yoga teacher, but my journey took a detour through other career and family moves. I moved from South Africa to Atlanta with my family in 2019. I found PYC thereafter and it very soon became my yoga home. With the encouragement of the amazing community and yoga family I found there, I stepped over some serious imposter syndrome and completed my YTT200 and YTT300 at PYC. I soon realized that I had found a vocation, and I began teaching shortly thereafter. Sharing the practice of yoga gives me a soulful feeling of satisfaction comparable to little else. I am thrilled to be sharing it as I continue my own journey towards Union, and ultimately the stilling of my mind into silence.