2 parts: Intro and a Dive Deeper. You can take 1 or both; they are separate workshops with separate pricing.

Part 1 – Sunday, September 22 3 – 5 p.m.

Discover the power of the Enneagram, a tool that helps you find your true self and grow spiritually. By uncovering hidden patterns and seeing how our strengths can also be our blind spots, the Enneagram goes beyond self-improvement, guiding you to real freedom and self-awareness. Break free from personality limitations and uncover a map for growth with surprising discoveries. Sign up for our upcoming workshop with Natalie today!  No prior knowledge of the Enneagram necessary.

Investment – $45


Part 2 – Sunday, October 20th 3 – 5 p.m.

There is so much more to the Enneagram than the 9 types.  Understanding the instincts helps us gain insight into our fundamental life strategies, decision-making processes and can be more informative in predicting compatibility in relationships than type alone.  If you have found the Enneagram to be supportive, learning about the instincts will take your self-awareness + growth to a new level.

About the teacher:

Natalie has been a life coach and yoga teacher since 2009.  She received her coaching certification from Emory University and studied with the Enneagram Institute for 5 years.  She is a 500-hour certified yoga teacher with over 14,000 teaching hours and has led 40 workshops/ retreats.  She is passionate about living an authentic, embodied life of presence and skillfully integrates the tools of yoga and the Enneagram in her individual and group coaching sessions.